Tuesday, 1 November 2016


COMING SOOON.......................... VIVIAN recipe of eating light food @ night to stay healthy.

How do you feel when you come back at night from work, office, or even sch and you start preparing heavy food that when you eventually eat them they will not digest easily? now vivian recipe is here to make it right fr you. ANTICIPATE MY RESTAURANT OPENING SOOON that you can call in from the hours of 6pm-10pm daily for your light and delicious dishes that will help you look healthy and burn fat. below are some of our menu, ADDRESS WILL BE COMMUNICATED TO YOU IN DUE COURSE..........



                                        LITTLE MACARONI WITH COCUMBER

                                     LITTLE BEANS WITH FRIED PLAINTAIN

SCOUP OF LITTLE RICE, WITH SOURCE MIXED WITH SWEET CORN AND FRESH                                                                                TOMATOES




                       PAP WITH MILK WITH AKARA


                               JOLOF INDOMIE AND BOILED EGG WITH HOTDOG



                            COMPLETE SALAD WITH ALL INGREDIENTS




Thursday, 27 October 2016

2 UNILAG Corpers Who Met During NYSC Registration Set To Wed


Here are Lovely pre-wedding pictures of two UNILAG corpers who met during their NYSC registration….
Fast forward to 6 months later. They are both set to Wed in December… Congrats to them!

Monday, 24 October 2016

Bestman Proposes To His Girlfriend At Wedding Reception

Bestman Proposes To His Girlfriend At Wedding Reception: Do you really think what he did was right? will u accept it if you were the one?

So, A Best Man sprung a surprise on everyone when he got down on his knees and proposed to his woman during a wedding reception in Lagos. what is your take on this?

So Lovely! Twin Sisters Get Married On The Same Day

Eno Ekerete Ukere and Ekom Ekerete Ukere are two Ibibio twin sisters who reside in Akwa Ibom, Nigeria. Eno and Ekom enrolled in Akwa Ibom State University and graduated with outstanding first classes in their fields.With beauty, brains and academic success under their belt, the next thing was marriage.The sisters were able to find two handsome young men, got engaged and their pre-wedding photos went viral.The sisters just did their traditional wedding ceremony on October 20th and these are the beautiful pictures from their big day:

Thursday, 13 October 2016



There is an adage that says, what an adult sees while sitting, even when a child stands he/she cannot see, does it mean that our parents are always right when they try to decide who u should or should not marry? below is a story of lady who was faced with such problem read  and comment if you were to be in her shoes what will you do?


 Am a young lady of 23yrs, I started dating my fiancee 2012 but officially 2013. I met him where I went to do my IT he works in the same place. Unfortunately my dad does supply in that company so my guy knew my dad. Fast forward to 2015 December I brought him home for the first time my dad now said his face is familiar that he knows him. So after that day they both were communicating on phone. After which we had our introduction May this year. So my Fiancé now fixed last month to come & fix a date for the wedding which he said on the last sunday of November. That where the problem started from my dad started voicing out everytin that he won't accept the wedding o. That am 23yrs my guy is 37yrs the age gap is much, That he doesn't like the church my guy attends bcos he is a sabbatarian that they re occultic pple, that he didn't make proper investigation bfo the intro, that now he has gone to ask pple. That I schooled abroad he knows how much he spent on me. That he is afraid my husband mite just put me at home he won't let me work.i can't even let my mum talk to him bcos she is my step mum instead she is the one igniting the fire, that I left a rich man to go for some1 that is not capable, that my guy family don't call him often. That my guy doesn't call too. That aspect of call is sometin that is not use to him. I try talking to him that my family loves communication. He started finding fault. That ever since the intro my guy didn't even come see him again. That his parent didn't come but on the intro day is relative that where present told my dad that his dad is heal. So his mum his taking care of him but the main wedding they will come. My guy is igbo while am edo. My dad is refusing to accept the wedding date he says till my guy convert from been a sabbatarian to a Sunday worshipper either Mfm or Reedeem & he will be the one to fix date not my guy that till he sees my guy change. My guy said he can't bcos of a woman disobey God. So confuse now.

Monday, 10 October 2016

Being Happy in Love.......

Being Happy in Love

Being Happy in Love is about how happy and satisfied two people that are in a relationship feel. It is about experiencing a positive, connected relationship. It is about being loved, respected and appreciated.
Being Happy In Love is about being in a Positive Relationship
Being Happy in Love is about loving yourself, loving your life and choosing to be in a relationship that is right for you or transforming yourself and your current relationship so that you are truly happy. It is about being with a man who treats you with the love and respect you deserve. The main focus is on you and what you want in your life, not on trying to be what you think a man will want. When you love yourself you can be yourself, become magnetically attractive, easily attract the right man and effortlessly maintain a positive, loving relationship.
Being Happy in Love is about the “Fit” between Two People
Being Happy in Love is about the “fit” between two people.
The “fit” between two people has to do with having chemistry, compatibility and an emotional connection. Chemistry is the attractive force that brings people together. The emotional connection is the glue that holds a relationship together and compatibility is the key to lasting relationship happiness. To be Happy in Love, you need these three ingredients. In my eBook, I will show you how to get all three!
Being Happy in Love is about being Authentic
Being Happy in Love is about being authentic and experiencing real love with a man who is truly a fit great fit for you. It is not about using strategies or techniques to “catch a man” or “get a ring”.
Some strategies and techniques actually create emotional distance and can ruin your chance for making a real, authentic connection with a man. Other techniques may work but they are strategies that tend to work in the short term. I want to offer you a solution that will last.
Embrace who you are and enjoy a relationship with a person who is truly right for you! Have the positive, loving relationship that you deserve. Feel good about yourself and be with a partner who loves you and treats you the way you deserve to be treated. Don’t spend all your time trying to “


What is love

Love is so strong especially when it’s true with the right person. It can change your entire life. It can make you adjust in many things. It can shape you into a different a person. It can make you change your behaviors. It can make you do things you’ve never thought of. It can teach you many things like how to care, how to sacrifice, how to give without expecting in return, how to appreciate, how to be patient, how to love yourself… It can make you discover yourself. It can make you quit some of your habits. It can make you limit yourself from some of your friends. Love can and even makes you cry. Love can give you everlasting incurable pain. Love can make you be jealous. Love can make you think of doing strange things like committing murder, suicide… Love can break your heart and at the same time it can heal it. Love can make you move to places that you’ve never thought of going to. It can make you meet new people. It can make you promise the impossible. It can make you lie and it can also make you lose your dignity. Love can make you heartless and sometimes bitter.
My friends, it ain’t easy to find true love in this world. But in case God helps you find it, appreciate it, hold it with delicacy, count value in it, invest in it, make it colourful and admirable, protect it, sacrifice for it and fight for it. Don’t easily let it go over minor things that can be addressed..

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Vivian's article on how to know you are in love with a Good man

10 Ways To Know For SURE You’re In Love With A Good Man

1. He owns his power.

A quality man stands strong in his choices. He balances his time with a clear connection to his priorities. He chooses to be exceptionally committed in each of his roles whether partner, father, professional, or others. He accepts responsibility for his actions and never blames or shirks his duties.

2. He uses direct, honest communication.

A respectful man will trust you with the truth. You know where you stand. He doesn’t lie or manipulate the facts. He is confident in his ability to communicate emotion in a productive way. He seeks solutions to issues without any pa$$ive-aggressiveness or power struggle. He maintains a demeanor of patience and compa$$ion knowing that is the strongest stance.

3. He makes you feel secure in his presence.

A man who views you as an equal wants you to feel safe. He goes out of his way to see that your needs are met. He never intimidates or bullies, and would never resort to name-calling or talking about you with anyone else. Those behaviors are foreign to him. He respects your needs and does not judge. He wants you to feel his love.

4. He is chivalrous out of caring, not obligation.

A secure man wants to pamper you out of love, not because people think he should. He trusts your ability to take care of yourself, but is fulfilled when he can do things to take care of you. He gives gifts and attention mindfully, not just when it is called for or when it suits him. He is uninterested in how things look to others, but focuses on how your relationship feels to you.
5. He accepts, but does not expect, your caregiving.

A solid man is deeply grateful for everything you do for him. He expects nothing, but accepts your caregiving for the act of love that it is. He views you as a partner, not a housemate or a mother or his personal a$$istant. He asks for what he needs trusting you will ask the same of him. He is quite able to take care of himself, yet gracefully welcomes the support you choose to provide.

6. He works hard and plays hard.

A mindful man knows his boundaries and maintains his wellness. He gives his best to work and family and knows when to play. He treats his body in a balanced way. Resentment has no place in his life because he makes the space for what he knows he needs for holistic health. He exudes positive energy and values fun.
7. He overestimates your abilities.

A confident man is not threatened by your abilities nor does he diminish your strengths. In fact, he sees your capability through an optimistic lens. Never comparing or judging, he upholds the vision of your potential even when you are discouraged or depleted. He delights in and celebrates your success.

8. He asks permission.

A considerate man does not tell, he asks. Respectful of your opinion, he assesses your thoughts and takes your emotions seriously. He is decisive, but not unilaterally. He attempts to maintain focus on your common goals and vision. His permission-seeking honors the equality of agency in your relationship.
9. He listens.

An attentive man leaves plenty of space for you to share. He genuinely enjoys actively listening to your perspective and thoughtfully responds. He is constantly curious and pa$$ionate about learning how you are evolving. While he looks forward to contributing to your conversations, he takes his time to hear you out. His listening is easeful and caring out of love, not duty.

10. He loves boldly.

A loving man embraces vulnerability. He touches generously to feed your spirit. He makes eye contact. He shares his emotions regularly in word and deed. With peace and stability, he gives you his heart over and over. He is steadfast in his love and trusts in your love’s return.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

A successful marriage doesn't require a big house, a prefect spouse, a million dollars or an expensive car. You can have all the above and still have a miserable marriage. A successful marriage requires honesty, undying commitment and selfless love and Jesus at the center of it all.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016


LOVE is such a good feeling we all need to experience in this world. It feels so good when you have someone who truly loves you, who cares about you, who never wants to hurt you, who never want to pesky you, who never want to lose you, who never want you to be sad, who never takes a day without finding out how you are doing... But it HURTS a lot
when you find out that the person you call your sweetheart has another girl or guy. It sucks when you find out that your partner tells that other person the
same things he tells you. It deeply pains when you find out that your partner
is doing the same special things she does for you for some else. It hurts when
you find out that your partner would make the same promises he made to you to somebody else. It really cheese off when you find out that your partner brings another girl to his house to lay where you always lay. It hurts when you find out that your partner would call another guy the same sweet names he would call you. It irks a lot when you find out that you are not the only girl that your partner takes out on dates. It
hurts a lot when you find out that you are not the only person that your partner buys gifts for. It hurts a lot when you find out that you are not the only person that your partner hugs, kisses and gets
personal with. It pains a lot when you find out that you are not the only person that your partner tells that h/she loves. It deeply hurts when you find out that your partner never replies your messages but
makes sure she replies those other messages from another dude. it hurt more when you find out he or she did not have a single picture of you in her phone but have the picture of other guys, it hurt when you fund out that the same sweet romantic message she sent to you she aswell send it to other guys, it pains when you realize that he/she have edited your name from sweety, honey,love, darling etc to your name it hurt when you find out she also visit other guys, It pains when you find out that you partner can’t save his credit to call you but makes
sure he calls the other babe he claims that they are “just friends”. It hurts when you find out that your partner plays s3x with other guys or girls in your absence. It HURTS a lot.
love hurt so much when all this its been found
I know many of us have experience or been through this relationships collapse when all this its been found in it